turns out that the wife of one of the three owners/administrators of works for Halliburton, the oil giant that brought us
Dick Cheney, and which also owned Kellogg, Brown & Root which has
been investigated for receiving secret army contracts in Iraq, and was also awarded contracts by Homeland Security to build detainment centers in the US.
At the Project Avalon website, on a thread entitled "Problem Between Wordpress and Abovetopsecret, Blogger Caught in Crossfire,"
where the author of the thread commented on being banned from ATS, the
well-known conspiracy investigator Bill Ryan (of Project Avalon and also
Project Camelot) stated that he too had been banned from ATS.
Here is what Bill posted about it, in 2013:
ATS is definitely a CIA operation. And fundamentally, they are skeptics and debunkers... co-owner Bill Irvine's username is Skeptic Overlord, and his partner Mark 'Springer' Allin's wife, Melissa (username ValHall), works for Halliburton -- and is quite a nasty piece of work. Go figure.
Incidentally, much has been made of the username "Skeptic Overlord," for its obvious connotations of skepticism and "overlording." The ATS forums are arguably more represented by "skeptics" than conspiracy theorists. "Skeptic Overlord" or "SO" often has images of superhero-like figures on his mini-profile in what may be a reference to ATS's self-proclaimed role of "saving the Internet from bullshit" (see this blog's first post from Sept. 11, 2014). A popular parody on this administrator's username is "Septic Overlord."
The website has a form dedicated specifically to ATS, called "ATS Watch." In September 2008, the member "Gigashadow" there posted the following information:
I had this info for about 5 months now and thought inquiring minds here at atswatch would be interested in what I came across.
Mark Allin, most know, is married to Melissa Allin aka valhal on ATS beside other stage names. They hold an address down in [**mode edit: removed private details**] and just 10 miles north on [**mode edit: removed private details**] is haliburton where mellissa Allin works and is co named for a haliburton invention with a patent 20070173412.
Ya have to wonder if haliburton has a finger or two in ATS now that the cat is outa da bag.
The original post can be found here.
In the tight-knit community of treasonous and criminal activity in the US corporate and military/intelligence infrastructure, exactly how close are Halliburton and ATS?
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